Student�s Reading Skills on
The Lhokseumawe Coast: A Case Study at State Elementary School 15 Banda Sakti
Reading Skills of Students at Lhokseumawe Beach: A Case Study at SD Negeri 15 Banda Sakti
1)* Faiza
Khalila, 2) Muhammad Iqbal, 3) Juni Ahyar
123 Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
*Correspondence: Faiza Khalila
DOI: 10.59141/comserva.v4i7.2596 |
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis permasalahan kemampuan membaca siswa di pesisir Lhokseumawe di SD Negeri Banda Sakti 15. Penelitian
ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Sampel
penelitian dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling yang melibatkan 10 siswa
kelas lima, 10 orang orang tua dan 1 orang guru. Data dikumpulkan melalui tes
bacaan, wawancara dan dianalisis melalui tiga tahap, yaitu reduksi data,
penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Fokus utama penelitian adalah
kefasihan, kejernihan suara, pengucapan dan intonasi. Triangulasi waktu
digunakan untuk menguji validitas data. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 29 Mei
s.d. 29 Juni 2024 di Desa Ujong Blang, Kecamatan Banda Sakti, Kota
Lhokseumawe. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keterampilan membaca
siswa sangat bervariasi. Sebanyak lima dari sepuluh siswa menunjukkan
kesulitan yang signifikan dalam membaca, yang disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor
seperti kesulitan mengenali dan menggabungkan huruf menjadi kata, serta
membaca kata demi kata tanpa pemahaman yang komprehensif. Hal ini
mencerminkan bahwa sebagian besar masih pada tahap dasar dan belum mencapai
kemahiran membaca. Temuan ini menekankan pentingnya kolaborasi antara orang
tua dan sekolah untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung pengembangan
keterampilan membaca siswa baik di rumah maupun di sekolah. Kata kunci: reading skills; elementary students; Lhokseumawe |
study aims to analyze the problems of reading ability of students on the
coast of Lhokseumawe at SD Negeri Banda Sakti 15.
This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research
sample was selected using purposive sampling involving 10 fifth-grade
students, 10 parents and 1 teacher. Data was collected through reading tests,
interviews and analyzed through three stages, namely data reduction, data
presentation and conclusion drawn. The main focus of the research is fluency,
voice clarity, pronunciation and intonation. Time triangulation is used to
test the validity of the data. This research was conducted from May 29 to
June 29, 2024 in Ujong Blang Village, Banda Sakti
District, Lhokseumawe City. The results of the
study show that the level of students' reading skills varies greatly. As many
as five out of ten students showed significant difficulty in reading, which
was caused by factors such as difficulty recognizing and combining letters
into words, as well as reading word for word without comprehensive
comprehension. This reflects that most are still at the basic stage and have
not yet reached reading proficiency. These findings emphasize the importance
of collaboration between parents and schools to create an environment that supports
the development of students' reading skills both at home and at school. Keywords:
skills; elementary school students; Lhokseumawe |
Indonesian people who depend on sea waters as one of the main
sources of the community's economy to live their lives, coastal communities who
mostly depend on marine products as their main livelihood to fulfill their
daily needs, work as fishermen, pond farmers, fish traders, and people who
manage coastal areas for tourism. The coastal area is the area where land and
sea meet. Towards the land, the coastal area includes parts of the plain, both
dry and submerged in tidal water, which are influenced by the characteristics
of the sea, such as tides, sea breezes and salt water seepage (Misbahuddin, 2017).
Looking at the
history of Indonesia, which was previously known as an archipelagic country
which was known as a prosperous maritime country with rich and reliable coastal
communities. One of the famous centers of cultural civilization is the richest
maritime kingdom, namely the Srivijaya kingdom. Having good human resources so
that we can become an independent society and be able to compete to achieve
prosperity. However, currently coastal communities are a group of people who
are disadvantaged and disadvantaged economically and educationally, as is the
case with coastal communities on Jln Tgk Di, Gampong Ujong Blang, Banda Sakti
District, Lhokseumawe City.
Education is
an important component in the process of building basic things. The goal of
educational development is to ensure that human resources can be developed to
high quality standards. Education can be seen as a process of changing the
behavior of a student into an adult who can live independently and become a
member of the surrounding community. The environment is everything that is
around the child, whether in the form of objects, events or social conditions,
especially those that can have a strong influence on the child, namely the
environment where the educational process takes place and where the child
socializes in activities daily (Puspitarini, 2014).
Children tend
to absorb information and social norms from the environment around them such as
behavior patterns, social norms, role models and the quality of relationships
between children and parents as well as children and children which can shape
children's attitudes, values and behavior. The family is the
first social group in human life, where he learns and expresses himself as a
social human in interaction with his group, including the formation of social
norms and interaction relations with his group. In the family, father and
mother act as educators and children as educators. Lack of support or
motivation from family and the environment can make children feel unappreciated
or unmotivated to learn (Awaru 2021). Lack of support
can hinder children's interest in learning and reduce their motivation to gain
knowledge through literacy. If a child has a low level of reading ability and
interest in learning, it can have several consequences such as increasing poverty
rates and increasing crime rates in a country.
Reading is an
activity or a cognitive process that attempts to find various information
contained in writing (Dalman, 2014). Reading skills are very important for
students living in communities around the coast because they open access to
wider knowledge, help in understanding information, and can improve their
skills beyond just working as fishermen. The lack of reading skills in
communities around the coast can have a negative impact on their ability to
compete in the labor market, and hinder their ability to earn sufficient income
to meet their daily living needs (Wassalwa, 2021).
The majority of coastal communities work as fishermen, and this situation
reflects the reality where coastal children are often involved in fishing work
from an early age to help their families.
Children must
get into the habit of reading to improve their intelligence in reading skills.
This is in accordance with what has been designed by the Ministry of Education
and Culture, Mr Nadiem Anwar Makarim, namely the importance of learning to read
as stated in Law No. 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards article
6 paragraph 5 which states that the SD/MI/SDLB/Package A curriculum and
syllabus or other equivalent forms emphasize the importance of skills and
passion for reading and writing, numeracy skills, and communication skills. The
government has adopted a policy to teach reading in schools from elementary to
high school, through the National Education Service.
Apart from
that, low levels of education can also worsen the economic situation of coastal
communities. Poverty is considered to be the main factor that is accused of
causing children to be lazy about going to school and there are also children
who do not want to go to school because of a lack of attention, this happens
because their income is uncertain (Yusuf, et al. 2020). Additionally, in some
places, children may feel unappreciated or unmotivated to learn due to a lack
of support from their family and environment. This can cause negative attitudes
towards education and encourage them to leave school. Education is an activity
that maximizes the potential, abilities and characteristics of students.
Educational activities are directed at realizing the goals of education which
include: developing aspects of personality, developing community abilities,
developing the ability to continue studies and developing skills and readiness
to work (Sukmadinata, 2014).
The main aim
of this research is to find out more about students' reading skills and the
role of parents and schools in supporting students' reading skills on the
Lhokseumawe coast. This study further seeks to explore the activities-related
habits and learning motivation that students have, such as their study time at
home, and how parents and schools overcome the challenges of these students'
reading skills. The benefits of this research are varied. For students, it is
hoped that it can provide an understanding of the importance of education and
learning, especially in language skills, namely reading skills. For parents, it
is hoped that this can provide understanding to parents to always pay attention
to their children. For researchers, it is hoped that it can provide knowledge
to develop individuals who are responsive in looking at educational problems
for children in the family.
This research
uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. Qualitative research tends
to collect data in the field at locations where participants experience the
problem or issue being studied (Cresswell, 2018:298). Researchers typically
send instruments for individuals to complete. Information is collected by
talking directly to people and observing their behavior in acting in accordance
with the context of the main characteristics of qualitative research. Case
study research is more intensive and in-depth research aimed at obtaining a
complete picture of the subject under study with the scope of the research
covering the whole of life or just certain aspects (Azwar, 2017). The data
source is a collection of information that comes from experience, which can be
in the form of numbers, symbols or characteristics, (Bahri, 2018)
This research
uses several techniques in collecting data, namely test and interview
techniques. The test was carried out by 10 students by reading descriptive text
from a class V Indonesian language book to get the results of students' reading
skills, with the aim of digging deeper into the reading abilities of students
on the Lhokseumawe coast. Apart from that, an interview is a situation when the
interviewer asks questions designed to obtain answers that are relevant to the
research problem (Abidin, 2021:874). In this research, interview techniques
were used to obtain answers regarding the role of parents and schools. The
interview will use 11 sources, namely 10 biological parents of students and 1
homeroom teacher representing the school. Data collection instruments are tools
used to measure a phenomenon or data that you want to collect (Sugiyono, 2018).
Results of Analysis
of Students' Reading Skills
The reading
skills of students on the coast of Lhokseumawe at elementary school 15 Banda
Sakti class V show results indicating that the majority of students still need
special attention to achieve reading proficiency. the main problems faced by
students who cannot read fluently due to the student's inability to master all
assessment indicators such as fluency, clarity of voice, pronunciation and
intonation (Akhadiah, 2018:219). This research was conducted in Ujong Blang
Village, Kec. Banda Sakti, Lhokseumawe City. Test result data was collected
from 29 May to 7 June 2024. This research carried out a reading test on 10
students in class V of Banda Sakti 15 State Elementary School. The reason the
researcher chose these 10 students was because they considered the
effectiveness of their answers which would later be used as data for this
1. Collection of Reading Test Results Findings
No. |
Indicator |
Findings |
Instrument |
1. |
Reading Fluency |
- Difficulty in reading is caused by frequently omitting one letter
from the words that are read, for example the word "mengonsumsi is read as mengosumsi".
Usually this is done because of the student's inability to pronounce the
letters that form words. - Students with the initials ZM and SB, experience difficulties in reading word by word, usually this type of difficulty stops after reading one word but is not immediately followed by the next word. Examples include difficulty readingthe consonant combination word "�cokelat" |
Reading Test with Muhammad
Apis, Zakila Munarah,
Samsul Bahri. |
2. |
�Clarity of Voice |
- His voice was unclear. The student with the initials MR looked
doubtful and afraid when he found a combination of two consonants and a
diphthong. Because MR is still spelling and hesitates when reading, this
results in the letters being read being less clear, coupled with the fear of
making mistakes. - His voice was ���unclear when pronouncing simple words and sentences, when reading his voice is very soft because the student with the initials ZM and HK is very shy. |
Reading Test with Muhammad
Razikun, and Hisfa Kisya. |
3. |
Pronunciation |
- Pronunciation is less natural, it still shows regional characteristics, especially when encountering the consonant /s/ as in the words "sampai is read as tsampai". Students with the initials SB and MR are also still not very precise in reading. |
Reading Test with Samsul
Bahri and Muhammad Razikun. |
4. |
Intonation |
- Lack of use of
intonation, because they are still not fluent in reading so they tend to
focus on word recognition. Students with the initials RM, JA, MR, SB and ZM
are too focused on spelling so they don't pay attention to punctuation which
results in poor intonation in their reading. |
Reading Test with Riski
Maulana, Jumazil Azam, Muhammad Razikun, and Zakila Munarah. |
Students often read hesitantly and falter due to lack of confidence
and doubts about their abilities (Mulyono, 2020). Some
of them have students who are shy, this trait has a significant impact on their
reading skills at school. Shy students tend to be less active in participating
in learning activities including reading skills in class which reduces their
opportunities to practice and receive constructive feedback. Shyness is a trait
that makes children tend to be less skilled, less confident, and ot adapt to their environment (Novi, 2015). Overall, the main problem faced by students who are not yet fluent is
that word recognition is not automatic, which causes students' reading to tend
to be hampered, stammering and often stopping. Internal factors that cause
students' inability to read, such as not knowing letters/words, omitting
letters, and reading word by word, have been carried out through testing using reading tests (Farida, 2018).
Results of Analysis of the Role of Parents and Schools in Supporting
Students' Reading Skills
After the stage of distributing and collecting
interview sheets was completed, the researcher carried out an analysis of the
answers explaining the results by providing arguments related to the research subject. Next, the author created a table containing all the interview results
that had been collected based on the grouping of indicators, (Sugiyono, 2018).
Tabel 2. Collection of Parent Interviews Findings
No. |
Indicator |
Instruments |
Findings |
1. |
Parental involvement in educational planning and support. |
Interview with mothers of students Raisya Salsabila and Hisfa Kisya. |
- Plan and strive for Raisya's education to the highest level of
education, so that she can experience college and support whatever dreams she
has of wanting to become a teacher. - I will try to send Hisya�s to the highest
level of education and I want Hisya to become a police officer. |
2. |
Understanding of children's educational needs |
Interview with mother of Wildatul Husna and Hasyifa Yana Vila. |
- Often interacts about what activities Wilda has gone through and
controls her development, accompanies the child when learning and helps teach
him. - Often hears all the stories experienced by Syifa, often asks about
daily activities. Accompanying children to learn and play and providing for
children's needs such as their right to want and like to dance and I allow
it. |
3. |
Overcoming learning challenges |
Interview with mothers of M. Razikun and Riski Maulana. |
- Knowing that Razikun's challenge is fighting laziness and playing a
lot since grade 5, I coaxed him and gave him praise and gifts so that Razikun
would want to learn even for a little while. - I gave riski tutoring facilities in grade 2 so he could read and
count, but it seems like my child is not capable enough, but when he got to
grade 3 the price of tutoring started to rise, I couldn't afford it anymore. |
4.4. |
Facing emotional challenges |
Interview with mother of M. Razikun and Hisfa Kisya. |
- As a mother, I have to be patient because my typical child cannot be
scolded, if he is scolded, he will immediately throw a tantrum and it will be
difficult for him to learn again. - Because my child is typically obedient, I almost never get angry
when accompanying him to study. |
Based on the results of research on the role of
parents, it appears that parents have tried to play a role in their children's
learning process, although the level of success varies depending on their
respective approaches, but some of them have challenges that arise related to
the approach they use. Some parents understand their child's character and try
to use positive methods, such as giving praise and gifts. Both parents are declared
qualified to be father and mother if they are serious about educating their
child (Zindiari, 2020). However, there are also those who rely on a physical approach or scold
the child when frustrated, which can actually have a negative impact on the
child's desire to learn. Some parents realize the importance of accompanying
their children in studying and try to do so despite their limitations, but
there are also parents who are busy working and feel that
they do not have time to accompany their children to study regularly so the
support provided is less than optimal. At a minimum,
parents play a 60% role in a child's success, the school gives 20%, and the
environment 20%. In fact, the role of parents is no longer just talking about
the portion of time that has been so lacking in educating children, but also
about the quality of parents (2021).
Tabel 3. Collection of School Interviews Findings
No. |
Indicator |
Instruments |
Findings |
1. |
Monitoring and assessing reading skills |
Interview with Mrs. Wardiah, S.Pd |
Based on monitoring and homeroom teacher assessments, there are significant
variations in students' reading skills. Some students show good mastery and
can read fluently, while others still struggle to achieve fluency or even the
basics of reading. |
2. |
Learning support |
Interview with Mrs. Wardiah, S.Pd |
There are still shortcomings in handling students who have difficulty
reading. No special program has been implemented to improve reading skills. |
3. |
Involvement with parents |
Interview with Mrs. Wardiah, S.Pd |
The school has provided recommendations to parents to support learning
at home via WhatsApp group notifications. |
Often times education at
school experiences real difficulties, due to the basic education that children
receive in the family (Zindiari, 2020). Overall results of the interview above, the conclusion is that in supporting the learning process, especially
students' reading skills, are very important but must face various challenges.
The teacher acts as the main facilitator in learning to read, providing
repeated teaching and detailed explanations regarding the use of punctuation
marks and how to read correctly. However, the effectiveness of the teacher's
role is sometimes hampered by the lack of special programs related to reading
skills, the lack of resources such as reading books in the library, and limited
support from students' parents. Even so, teachers still try to find ways to
motivate students, such as providing interesting books and running reading
tests to improve students' reading skills. On the other hand, schools also play
a role in creating a supportive environment, for example by giving awards to
students who read diligently.
This research shows that the reading skills of
class V students at SD N 15 Banda Sakti have varying levels of reading skills. Of the 10 students who took the test, most
were still at the basic stage and had not achieved the expected reading
proficiency. 5 students had difficulty reading, which was caused by several
factors including difficulty in recognizing letters, combining letters into
words, and reading word by word without comprehensive understanding. The main
problems faced are non-automatic word recognition, difficulty pronouncing
letters, and missing letters when reading sentences. Internal factors such as
lack of motivation and self-confidence, as well as limited mastery of letters
are the main obstacles in students' reading skills. Based on the results of
research regarding the role of parents in supporting students' reading process
in the Lhoksemawe coastal area, it can be concluded that parental involvement
in learning to read is still less than optimal. For the most part, parents have
not played a fully active role in accompanying and motivating their children in
improving their reading skills at home. Factors such as low levels of parental
education, busy work, and a lack of understanding of the important role of
parents in the child's learning process also become obstacles to the support
provided. The research results show that most parents do not provide
interesting reading books at home, so children tend to only rely on reading
done at school. The role of schools and teachers in supporting students'
reading process can be concluded that schools and teachers have tried to carry
out their role well, although there are still several obstacles to be overcome.
Teachers have monitored students' reading progress, provided intervention for
students who experience difficulties and carried out regular assessments of
reading skills. Apart from that, the school has also tried to motivate students
by providing reading materials in the library and giving awards to encourage
interest in reading. However, the research results also show that there are
still shortcomings in providing special programs and adequate resources to
further support the improvement of students' reading skills. Apart from that,
support from parents and the surrounding environment still needs to be
increased to strengthen the results achieved at school.
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