Implementation of Good Governance as An Acceleration of Public Services at The Village Level


Penerapan Good Governance sebagai Percepatan Pelayanan Publik di Tingkat Desa


1)* Baskoro Wicaksono, 2) Ali Yusri, 3) Wan Asrida, 4) Rico Purnawandi Pane, 5) Wazni

12345 Universitas Riau, Indonesia


Email: 1*2) [email protected], 3) [email protected], 4) [email protected], 5) [email protected],

*Correspondence: Baskoro Wicaksono


DOI: 10.59141/comserva.v4i7.2557


The slow administrative process, lack of public participation in decision-making, and low transparency and accountability in public financial management are the main problems in public services in Sungai Limau Village, Pusako District, Siak Regency. One of the efforts to improve the service system that still faces various challenges is through the implementation of good governance. This study aims to examine the implementation of good governance in public services in Sungai Limau Village, Pusako District, Siak Regency. This study uses the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) research method. The data collection method in this study involves a review of literature. After the data is collected, the analysis is carried out by filtering relevant data, presenting the data, and finally making conclusions. The findings of the study indicate that the application of good governance principles can accelerate public services at the village level, as seen in Sungai Limau Village, Pusako District, Siak Regency. Therefore, the recommendation that can be taken from this finding is the importance of implementing good governance principles consistently to enhance the standard of public services and boost community engagement and satisfaction.


Keywords: Openness, Acceleration, Service




Proses administrasi yang lambat, kurangnya partisipasi publik dalam pengambilan keputusan, serta rendahnya transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam pengelolaan keuangan publik menjadi masalah utama dalam pelayanan publik di Desa Sungai Limau, Kecamatan Pusako, Kabupaten Siak. Salah satu upaya perbaikan sistem pelayanan yang masih menghadapi berbagai tantangan adalah melalui penerapan tata kelola yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penerapan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik dalam pelayanan publik di Desa Sungai Limau, Kecamatan Pusako, Kabupaten Siak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini melibatkan tinjauan literatur. Setelah data terkumpul, analisis dilakukan dengan menyaring data yang relevan, menyajikan data, dan akhirnya membuat kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan prinsip tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik dapat mempercepat pelayanan publik di tingkat desa, seperti yang terlihat di Desa Sungai Limau, Kecamatan Pusako, Kabupaten Siak. Oleh karena itu, rekomendasi yang dapat diambil dari temuan ini adalah pentingnya penerapan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik secara konsisten untuk meningkatkan standar pelayanan publik dan meningkatkan keterlibatan dan kepuasan masyarakat.


Kata Kunci: Keterbukaan, Akselerasi, Layanan



In Sungai Limau Village, Pusako District, Siak Regency, there are significant challenges in public services that are rooted in a number of structural problems. One of the main issues is the slow administrative process that often hinders public access to the services they need (Siregar & Wahyuni, 2020). Long waiting times and complicated procedures make people feel frustrated and lose trust in government institutions (Hermawan & Susanto, 2021). In addition, the lack of public participation in decision-making exacerbates the situation. People often feel alienated from processes that should involve them, so their voices and aspirations are not heard (Yulia, 2022). As a result, policies often fail to align with the real needs of local communities, creating a gap between the government and its citizens (Situmorang, 2021).

Low transparency and accountability in public financial management are also serious concerns. Without adequate transparency, it is difficult for the public to understand how public funds are managed and allocated (Ahmad & Nurhayati, 2020). This creates doubt and dissatisfaction, which in turn erodes public trust in the government (Wulandari, 2021). Weak accountability opens up opportunities for abuse of authority and corruption, which can harm public services (Rahmat, 2019; Supriyadi, 2022).

These three problems are interrelated and create a negative cycle that hinders initiatives to improve the quality of public services in Sungai Limau Village. Concrete steps are therefore needed to improve the system and involve the community in the decision-making process so that public services can be more effective, transparent, and accountable (Putra, 2018). One effort to improve the service system that still faces various challenges is through the execution of good governance (Nasution & Haryanto, 2022).

Good governance refers to a concept that prioritizes the decision-making process and its implementation responsibly by all related parties (Wijaya & Fajar, 2019). This concept is a result of the joint commitment between the government, society, and the private sector in running a country's governance (Ramli & Mulyana, 2021). The World Bank defines governance as �the way state power is used to manage economic and social resources for community development,� while the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) defines it as �the use of political, economic, and administrative authority to manage state affairs at all levels� (Hidayah, 2023; Simanjuntak, 2020).

Sungai Limau Village in Pusako District, Siak Regency, is one example of an area attempting to apply the principles of good governance to accelerate and improve the quality of public services (Irawan & Fauzi, 2021). The application of these principles is expected to be a solution to overcome issues of slow and ineffective services, as well as increase community participation in village development (Sudarmono & Kartika, 2021). Previous research by Sipayung and Wahyudi (2022) showed that the implementation of good governance aims to minimize risks that can threaten independence, integrity, and professionalism in BPK audit services. One form of implementing good governance is through �the development of an integrity zone towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK)� and/or �a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM)� (Farhan & Sari, 2020).

Another study by Darmi (2016) showed that the Bengkulu City Government, through BP2T, the City Planning Service, the Industry and Trade Service, as well as Dukcapil and sub-districts in Bengkulu City, has begun to apply the principles of good governance in public services such as E-KTP, SIUP, and IMB. However, the implementation has not fully met the community�s expectations. Key issues include: 1) For E-KTP services, there is still a centralization policy where KTP printing is done centrally; 2) For SIUP and IMB services, the promise of completion and timeliness has not aligned with established SOPs due to the Bengkulu City Government's one-stop service system (Wahyuningsih & Aminah, 2022).

This study strengthens the theory of public administration which emphasizes the importance of community participation in decision-making as a way to enhance public service effectiveness (Ardiansyah & Setiawan, 2022). Additionally, it contributes to academic studies that show how good governance not only impacts political and economic stability but also improves people�s quality of life through better services (Nugraha & Zainuddin, 2020). These findings provide a basis for further research on the implementation of good governance principles in various local and regional contexts (Iskandar & Rizal, 2021). This study intends to examine �the implementation of good governance in public services in Kampung Sungai Limau, Pusako District, Siak Regency.�



This study uses the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) research method. FGD is a discussion carried out systematically and structured by a group to explore a particular problem in a relaxed atmosphere, with direction from a moderator (Yulianti & Sulistyawati, 2021). This research was conducted in Sungai Limau Village, Pusako District, Siak Regency. This village was chosen as a case study because its characteristics reflect the general conditions of public services in rural areas, with various challenges in managing government and providing services to the community. The method of data collection in this study involved a literature review. A literature study is a research method in which researchers collect various sources such as books, magazines, and other materials that are relevant to the topic and objectives of the research (Assyakurrohim et al., 2023). Data type in this research is secondary data obtained from Google Scholar. After the data is collected, the analysis is carried out involving three stages such as filtering relevant data, then the data is presented, so that in the end it can make conclusions. This study uses five-scale conservation guidelines with the following references: 


Table 1. Five-Scale Conservation Guidelines

Percentage (%) 



Very Good 








Very Less 




Public service delivery in Sungai Limau Village, Pusako Sub-district, Siak District, is still faced with a number of significant challenges, which are described in the pretest results table below.���


Table 2. Indicators of Public Service Achievement Before FGDs on Good Governance Implementation



Very good




Very poor







Service speed






Community participation






Service quality







Constraints in public services found included a lack of transparency in information management, slow speed of public services, low community participation and the quality of services considered adequate, but still requiring much improvement.

A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was then conducted on the application of good governance principles in Sungai Limau Village involving various elements of the community that play an important role in public services. The FGD brought together stakeholders such as village officials, community leaders, and representatives of local residents. The discussion aimed to identify problems that occur in public services and design steps to implement good governance to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of services provided to the community.

During the discussion, participants were encouraged to share their experiences and views on existing public services. One of the main focuses was the adoption of sound governance practices such as �transparency, accountability, participation, effectiveness, efficiency and the rule of law.� These principles were explained in depth, and participants were invited to explore how each principle could be integrated in the public service system. FGD participants were also confronted with the challenges and barriers that exist in implementing good governance. The discussion aimed to identify the root causes that hinder public services and find solutions that can be applied in better village governance.

The discussion also covered how the application of good governance principles can actually accelerate and improve the quality of public services. For example, increased accountability is considered important to reduce excessive bureaucracy, so that service processes can take place more quickly and efficiently. The utilization of technology such as e-government and digital applications was also a topic of discussion. These technologies are believed to help increase transparency and speed up administrative processes, while improving public access to public services. At the end of the FGD, participants developed a number of recommendations and action plans to improve the implementation of good governance in the public sector.

After the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the implementation of good governance principles in public services in Sungai Limau Village, Pusako Sub-district, Siak District, a post-test was conducted to measure changes in the participants' knowledge, attitudes and understanding. The post-test results showed significant improvements in various aspects of public services, particularly those related to transparency, service speed, community participation, and service quality. The results of the post-test assessment after the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) are presented in Table 3 below:


Table 3. Indicators of Public Service Achievement after FGD on Good Governance Implementation



Very good




Very poor







Service speed






Community participation






Service quality







The findings indicate that the application of good governance principles through FGDs has successfully accelerated the improvement of the quality of public services in Sungai Limau Village. The success can be seen from the increased level of community satisfaction, better transparency, and increased community participation in the decision-making process and program supervision.


Sungai Limau is a village located in Pusako Sub-district, Siak District, Riau Province. This village is currently facing various obstacles in its public service delivery. In response to these challenges, a community service program using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) approach was conducted. This program was designed with the aim of improving the quality of public services in Sungai Limau Village through the application of good governance principles.

The discussion in Sungai Limau Village invited various important elements in the community, such as village officials, community leaders, and representatives of residents. In this discussion, all participants were invited to identify the problems that exist in public services in the village so far and together design suitable solutions. The main objective of the discussion was to ensure that public services in Sungai Limau can be improved through the implementation of good governance.

The main focus of the discussion was the application of good governance principles, which include transparency, accountability, participation, effectiveness, efficiency and the rule of law. These principles were explained in depth, and the community was invited to explore how best to integrate them into the village's public service system. At the end of the discussion, the participants managed to formulate a number of recommendations and action plans to improve public services in Sungai Limau Village.

The results after the implementation of the FGD on the application of good governance principles as an acceleration of public services in Sungai Limau Village have shown significant success. The success of the approach is evident from increased community satisfaction, better transparency, and more active community participation. These findings are consistent with earlier research which shows that the application of good governance in improving public services can be done with the principles of efficiency, responsiveness, and transparency (Widanti, 2022). The implementation of good governance with a focus on these principles has proven effective in improving the public service process.

Good governance is defined as a system that runs government based on a pattern of relationships involving government, society and the private sector. The main objective is to create governance supported by basic principles such as legal certainty, accountability, transparency, justice, professionalism, and democracy (Kharisma, 2014). This concept is in line with the demand to create a clean government initiated by international organizations such as UNDP, World Bank, United Nations, and several other institutions (Rohman et al., 2019).

According to Rochmansjah (2019), the implementation of good governance must be done in stages, adjusted to the capacity of the government, civil society, and market mechanisms. One of the right strategies to implement good governance in Indonesia is through improving public services. Public services are a key indicator to measure the success of government and bureaucratic performance.

The results also support the findings of Setyasih (2023), which show that the implementation of good governance practices in Blanakan Subdistrict has been running optimally, especially in the aspects of transparency and community participation in decision making. However, to further improve the quality of public services, improvements are needed in the application of good governance, including prevention and enforcement efforts, as well as improving the quality of human resources among government officials.

The application of good governance principles in public services is also an approach adopted by Pakuncen Village, Serang. This strategy was implemented with the hope that the quality of public services in Pakuncen Village could be significantly improved, so that the benefits could be felt by the local community (Alwajir et al., 2024). Good governance itself is a system that prioritizes the values of transparency, accountability, and openness in interacting with the public sector. In the public service sector, the role of good governance is very important because it reflects the implementation of responsible development management, in line with the principles of efficient democracy. Then this principle also aims to reduce corruption, both in the political and administrative spheres, as well as discipline in budgets, services, and management of facilities and infrastructure (Ayuningtyas, 2021).

According to Djumadin (2023), the application of the principles of good governance is a fundamental need for the majority of people. Because it aims to create a political system that is more supportive of the implementation of government by the people, in accordance with the principles of universal democracy. Implementation can encourage the formation of effective governance in every aspect, from the formulation of public policies to the implementation of a transparent and efficient bureaucracy. So that the implementation of good governance can be an option in improving the quality of public services and the welfare of the wider community.

Research results from Palangda and Dame (2020) further strengthen these findings. The study found that the application of good governance principles has a significant influence on the quality of public services, with an influence level of 0.790, which indicates a strong influence category. This finding makes it clear that the implementation of good governance can accelerate the improvement of the quality of public services at the village level.

The success in Sungai Limau Village is a clear example that the application of good governance principles can create positive changes in public services at the village level. However, the situation is different at the Medan Timur Sub-district Office, where the application of good governance in services is far from optimal (Rajagukguk et al., 2022). Despite efforts to improve service quality, various internal and external constraints impede the process. Among these are the lack of consistency of employees in carrying out their duties, miscommunication between the government and the community, and discrimination against the community. These problems indicate that the principles of excellent service, participation, and justice have not been fully realized. However, the East Medan Sub-district Office is currently in the improvement stage to overcome these problems.

Meanwhile, in Kecamatan Girian, Bitung City, the principles of good governance have been well implemented, although not fully maximized. There is still a problem of inequity in services, where residents who have more financial means often get better treatment than residents who are less well-off. This shows that despite efforts to implement good governance, bias in services is still an obstacle (Tomuka, 2013).

A comparison between successful and struggling villages shows that the successful implementation of good governance principles depends on commitment, transparency and equity in service delivery. Some areas are successful, while others still struggle with the challenges of achieving the expected service standards. When implementing the principles of good governance in Sungai Limau Village, transparency practices have been implemented, such as the open delivery of information related to village budgets and programs, both from village forums and public information boards. Village officials are also committed to preparing budget reports that can be accessed by the community, thus encouraging openness in village financial management. In addition, improvements were also made to the flow of administrative services by organizing a more orderly queuing system, as well as empowering human resources to accelerate the service process. In addition to the transparency aspect, village officials also participated in special training that focused on improving the quality-of-service excellence. The training includes improving professional attitudes and friendliness in public services. Therefore, the result of applying the principles of good governance is a positive change in public services in Sungai Limau Village, which can be seen from the increased efficiency and quality of services felt by the community.

From these findings, it can be concluded that the application of good governance principles can accelerate public services at the village level, as seen in Sungai Limau Village, Pusako Sub-district, Siak District. Therefore, the recommendation that can be drawn from these findings is the importance of consistently applying the principles of good governance to improve the quality of public services and increase community participation and satisfaction.



The implementation of good governance principles has been proven to accelerate and improve the quality of public services at the village level, as seen in Sungai Limau Village, Pusako District, Siak Regency. These principles, such as transparency, accountability, community participation, and efficiency, have had a positive impact on improving services to the community. Based on these findings, the main recommendation is the importance of implementing good governance principles consistently at various levels of government. That way, the quality of public services will improve, and at the same time, community participation and satisfaction will increase, thus creating a more harmonious relationship between the village government and its citizens.  



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