The Influence of Brand Image and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction At Winaria Hotel 1 Siak Sri Indrapura City


� Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada Hotel Winaria 1 Siak Sri Kota Indrapura


1)* Mandataris, 2) Rizma Sahzira

1,2,Administration Faculty of Business Social Sciences and Political Sciences,

University of Riau.


*Email: 1) [email protected], 2) [email protected]

*Correspondence: Mandataris


DOI: 10.59141/comserva.v4i1.1307







This study aims to determine the influence of brand image and service quality on customer satisfaction at Winaria 1 Kota Siak Sri Indrapura hotel. The method used in this study was descriptive and the sample in this study amounted to 96 respondents who were determined using Purposive Sampling and using questionnaires as data collection instruments. From data analysis which includes validity tests, reliability tests, linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing and determination coefficient tests, the results show that brand image has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction and the results of brand image and service quality F tests on customer satisfaction, meaning that brand image and service quality simultaneously have a significant effect on customer satisfaction in hotel Winaria 1 Siak Sri Indrapura City.


keyword: Brand Image, Quality of Service, Customer Statistics




Hotel is a business or business that experiences intense competition. In other words, a hotel is a form of building, symbol, company or accommodation business entity that provides lodging services, food and beverage providers and other service facilities where all services are intended for the general public, both those who stay overnight in the hotel those who only use certain facilities owned by the hotel (Luthfi & Widyaningrat, 2018).

According to (Kusumaningrum et al., 2023) Hotel is an accommodation that provides lodging facilities and services, food and drink and other public services for the public who stay for a while, and is managed commercially. Thus the hotel not only sells tangible products but also sells intangible products such as in the form of service, entertainment, atmosphere, or a comfortable, clean and beautiful environment.

The tourism industry is one of the businesses that can be profitable in generating state income because tourism is a potential attraction in attracting tourists (Andersson & Getz, 2009). This happened when the emergence of hotel development began in the Siak Sri Indrapura city area which required quality and facilities and met the needs of migrants who wanted to rest.

In addition, the city of Siak is also in great demand by many visitors because it is one of the historical city tourism icons in Riau Province (Damanik & Pratiwi, 2017). The choice of hotels available makes consumers a little confused in choosing the place they will visit. This is an important job for hotel companies to attract consumers to stay at the hotel. The right way to attract consumers by determining the right marketing strategy in order to win the competition.

In the city of Siak itself, the presence of hotels is quite needed by the community or tourists. In addition to staying, hotels can also be used for various kinds of events, such as seminars, workshops, local government activities can also be used for weddings. The choice of hotels is quite diverse and each hotel also displays the best and shows the advantages or advantages possessed so that their parties are able to compete and win the hearts of consumers (Brooke, 2019).

In building� a good brand image, the hotel must of course pay attention to how the quality of service they offer, especially a kind of front office hospitality �at the hotel that will be provided. A good brand image of a company or organization is a very important asset because brand image has an impact on consumer perception and operations in the organization run well so that it can attract potential customers and retain customers (Liat et al., 2017).

Brand image is a public view or a positive perception that can affect the marketing of a company. In a service company, image or image is an important thing that can affect positive and negative marketing activities, where image plays an important role in influencing consumer behavior and decisions. In studying consumer behavior, companies will develop strategies in order to influence consumer interest in buying the products offered.

Service quality is the level of excellence expected and control over that level of excellence to meet customer desires. If the service or service received or perceived (perceived service) is in accordance with what is expected or exceeds customer expectations, then the quality of service or service is perceived as good, ideal and satisfying. Conversely, if the services or services received are lower than expected, then the quality of services or services is perceived as poor (Yusyanah, 2022).

Customer satisfaction occurs after we use a product or service to decide whether we return to use the service product or not. After using it, consumers can rate certain Actions and experiences they have gained to determine the level of satisfaction (Eisenbeiss et al., 2014).

Winaria 1 Hotel is one of the accommodations in the form of a hotel in Siak Regency which was built in 2003 located on Dr. Sutomo street, Kampung Dalam Village, Siak District. Hotel Winaria 1 has close access to destinations and culinary. Right in front of this hotel there is one of the grand mosques in the city of Siak, namely Al-Fattah Mosque and sidewalk seating decorated with lights, people consider the place like Malioboro in the city of Siak, so this is a lot of consideration for consumers to choose because of its advantages.

Winaria 1 Hotel is also a destination that is quite visited by tourists who come to Siak and are interested in staying overnight. Not only tourists, but this hotel also plays an active role for local governments who will carry out activities such as seminars or workshops that require a hall-like room that fits enough to be filled with people. Until now, Winaria 1 hotel has 53 rooms, 1 large hall, 1 medium hall and 2 small halls.

Consumer decisions in choosing a product or service are assessed by quality, usefulness, and reciprocity to consumers. Therefore, the company must be able to improve its strategy on quality and facilities and be able to convince consumers through� a good brand image in the minds of consumers so as to make consumers interested in making return visits.

Knowing the needs and wants of consumers is the goal of a company. So, one of the right ways is to form a brand image that is attractive to consumers. Providing good service to consumers by a company, will create customer satisfaction. If consumers are satisfied, they will make repeat purchases and recommend others to buy in the same place. Therefore, companies must start thinking about the importance of customer service more maturely through service quality, because it is increasingly realized that service is a vital aspect in order to maintain business and win competition.


Table 1 Number of Target Realization of Room Service Sales at Winaria 1 Hotel Siak Sri Indrapura City in 2020-2023



Number of rooms


Sales Target



























In Table 1.2 above, it can be concluded that room sales in the 2020-2023 period have fluctuated in the number of realized room sales at Winaria 1 hotels, so this also has an impact on sales targets made by hotels where the target has not been achieved. From data for 4 years, namely from the range of 2020-2023, it can be seen that the number of rooms that sell the most is in 2023, which is 2,402 rooms and the lowest in 2020, which is 94 rooms. The cause of the lack of realization of room sales in 2020 was influenced by� the Covid 19 outbreak which resulted in all community activities being stopped and having to stay at home.

This has quite an impact on businesses in the world including Hotel Winaria 1 itself. Viewed from the other side, there is still a lack of interest in consumers to come to stay at the Winaria 1 hotel in Siak city because consumers also have other hotel choices, therefore the hotel must be able and able to build a better hotel image, as well as improve service or better service quality so that customers are more interested in staying at the Winaria 1 hotel Siak Sri Indrapura City.

According to (Philip, 2012) marketing (marketing) is identifying and meeting human and social needs. One good and concise definition of marketing is "meeting a need in a profitable way".

While according to (Kotler, P. & Armstrong, 2018) states Theprocess where companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return. Definition 9 means that, The process by which a company creates value for customers and builds strong customer relationships to capture value from customers in return (Yoeliastuti et al., 2021).

According to Tjiptono (2015) Brand Image is a description of consumer associations and beliefs towards a particular brand. Brand Image is the observation and trust that consumers hold.

Brand image cannot be engineered, meaning that the image does not come by itself but is formed by the community, from the company's communication and openness efforts in an effort to build the expected positive image. Image building efforts cannot be done haphazardly at any given moment, but is a long process. Because images are all perceptions of objects that are formed by consumers by obtaining information as a source all the time.



In this study, the type of research used is quantitative approach research. According to (Saifuddin, 2013) quantitative research methods are research methods that emphasize the use of numerical data or numbers whose processing uses statistical methods.



According to (Sugiyono, 2012) Population is a generalization or a group consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics that are determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. The population taken from this study is based on data in 2023, which is 2,402 consumers. The consumers set in this study population are consumers who have stayed or used the services of Winaria 1 hotel Siak Sri Indrapura City which can be needed for researchers.


According to (Sugiyono., 2017) Population is a generalization or a group consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics that are determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. The population taken from this study is based on data in 2023, which is 2,402 consumers. The consumers set in this study population are consumers who have stayed or used the services of Winaria 1 hotel Siak Sri Indrapura City which can be needed for researchers.

Measurement techniques

����������� To find out the response of respondents, the measurement technique carried out in this study is the Likert scale. (Sugiyono, 2013) is a scale carried out to assess the attitudes, opinions and responses of individuals or groups to a social phenomenon. Furthermore, this study performs social phenomena specifically established by the researcher, which will be said to be research variables.


Data analysis techniques

In this study, descriptive research methods are used, namely research methods that present an overview of conditions and events, and descriptive statistics are needed for descriptive analysis. (Sugiyono., 2017) explains statistics that aim to analyze data by describing or presenting data collected just like that without drawing general conclusions. Quantitative data analysis is an analysis intended to assess the relationship between variables used in research by utilizing calculations or statistical tests of data obtained from questionnaire answers to primary data.



Descriptive Analysis

The research conducted involved a sample of 96 samples at the Winaria 1 hotel in Siak Sri Indrapura City. This research was conducted using the questionnaire distribution method. The instrument used is a questionnaire that has been prepared by researchers to obtain respondents' opinions so that the results can be summarized to be assessed using assessment scale guidelines. Then the data obtained is processed by conducting a linearity test using SPSS 22.0.


Analysis of Respondent Characteristics

Based on observations made by researchers, several assessment indicators in this study received good scores.


Brand Image

Based on table 5.7, it can be seen that the recapitulation of respondents' responses to the Brand Image variable at Hotel Winaria 1 Kota Siak Sri Indrapura was overall at a good score with a value of 4.06 . The Association Strength dimension is the lowest category and is in the good category with an average score of 3.97. While the highest score is the Brand Association Uniqueness dimension, which is in the good category with an average score of 4.17. This shows that the dimension of uniqueness of brand association at Hotel Winaria 1 Kota Siak Sri Indrapura has been able to have a very good Brand Image so that it makes respondents feel satisfied, but for the dimension of the strength of the association, the hotel needs to further improve it .


Quality of Service

Based on table 5.12, it can be seen that the recapitulation of respondents' responses varied in service quality at Hotel Winaria 1 Kota Siak Sri Indrapura as a whole was in the good category with an average value of 3.47. The Reliability dimension is the lowest category, which is in the fairly good category with an average score of 3.1. While� the� highest score is the responsiviness dimension� has a score of 4.39 This shows that the responsiviness dimension at Winaria 1 Hotel Siak Sri Indrapura City has been able to have excellent service quality so that it makes respondents feel satisfied, but for reliability, it is expected that the hotel needs to be further improved.


Customer Satisfaction

Based on table 5.16, it can be seen that the recapitulation of respondents' responses varied in customer satisfaction at Hotel Winaria 1 Kota Siak Sri Indrapura as a whole is in the fairly good category with an average value of 3.21. The dimension of interest in visiting again is the lowest category, which is in the fairly good category with an average score of 3.19. While� the highest score is the Dimension of Expectation Match has a score of 3.23 This shows that the need for Hotel Winaria 1 Kota Siak Sri Indrapura further improves the dimensions of customer satisfaction so that guests feel more satisfied when staying at Hotel Winaria 1 Kota Siak Sri Indrapura.


From the results of the data, it can be concluded that the purpose of this study is to determine the influence of Brand Image and service quality on customer satisfaction. The results showed that the results were as expected. Findings from descriptive analysis of independent variables suggest that the evaluation falls into the "good" category. In addition, the study's findings revealed that the dependent variable has an important influence on the guests who stay.


Test Data Analysis

Simple linear regression analysis

Brand Image on customer satisfaction winaria hotel 1 Siak Sri Indrapura city

Simple linear regression analysis is used to analyze the effect of one independent variable on the dependent variable. Where in this study to measure the influence of Brand Image (X1) as an independent variable on Customer Satisfaction (Y) as a dependent variable at Winaria Hotel 1 Siak Sri Indrapura City. Based on calculations with the SPSS program, simple linear regression results can be obtained as follows.

Table 2 Simple Linear Regression Analysis Test Results Brand Image to Customer Satisfaction




Non-standardized coefficients

Standard Coefficient




Error Std.















a. Dependent Variable: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION


Source : SPSS Processed Data 22,2024

Based on the table above, the regression equation formed in this regression test is:

Y = a+bX

Y = 6.459 + 0.526X

So that the results of the equation model can be interpreted as follows

  1. This constant value of 6.459 can be interpreted if the Brand Image is assumed to be zero (0) then customer satisfaction is 6.459.
  2. The value of the regression coefficient �of the Brand Image �variable is positive which is 0.526 which can be interpreted that every increase in Brand Image by 1 unit, it will increase customer satisfaction by 0.526.

Test t (Partial Test)


Table 3 Brand� Image t-Test Results on Customer Satisfaction




Non-standardized coefficients

Standard Coefficient




Error Std.















a. Dependent Variable: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION


Source : SPSS Processed Data 22,2024

����������� The effect of promotion on consumer interest based on the results of the t test above can be concluded:

  1. Brand Image significance value of 0.002<0.05 with t-Count of 3.160>t-table 1.661. With this, it can be interpreted that the hypothesis that states that Brand Image affects customer satisfaction at Hotel Winaria 1 Kota Siak Sri Indrapura can be accepted.


Table 4 Coefficient of Determination Test Results �Brand Image to Customer Satisfaction

Model Overview



R square

Customized R Square

Std. Estimation Error






a.       Predictor: (Constant), BRAND IMAGE

Source : SPSS Processed Data 22,2024

����������� Table 4 shows the value of R Square (R2) indicating that the number is 0.096 and thus it can be concluded that customer satisfaction can be explained by Brand image 96% while the rest is explained by other variables not assumed in this study.


b.      Quality of Service to Customer Satisfaction Winaria Hotel 1 Siak Sri Indrapura City

Simple linear regression analysis is used to analyze the effect of one independent variable on the dependent variable. Where in this study to measure the effect of Service Quality (X2) as an independent variable on Customer Satisfaction (Y) as a dependent variable at Winaria Hotel 1 Siak Sri Indrapura City. Based on calculations with the SPSS program, simple linear regression results are obtained as follows.

Table 5 Simple Linear Regression Analysis Test Results Quality of Service to Customer Satisfaction




Non-standardized coefficients

Standard Coefficient




Error Std.















a. Dependent Variable: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION


Source : SPSS Processed Data 22,2024

����������� Based on the output above, the regression equation formed in this regression test is:

Y = a+bX

Y = -2.027+0.656X

So that the results of the equation model can be interpreted as follows

  1. This constant value of -2.027 can be interpreted if the quality of service is assumed to be zero (0) then customer satisfaction is -2.027.
  2. The value of the regression coefficient of the positive service quality variable, which is 0.656, can be interpreted that every increase in service quality by 1 unit, it will increase customer satisfaction by 0.656.


Simple linear regression analysis

  1. The Influence of Brand Image and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction

Multiple linear regression analysis is used to analyze the effect of one independent variable on the dependent variable. Where in this study to measure Brand Image (X1) and Service Quality (X2) as independent variables to Customer Satisfaction (Y) as dependent variables at Winaria Hotel 1 Siak Sri Indrapura City.

Based on calculations with the SPSS program, multiple linear regression results are obtained as follows.

Table 7 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test Results Brand Image and Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction




Non-standardized coefficients

Standard Coefficient




Error Std.





















a. Dependent Variable: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION


Source : SPSS Processed Data 22,2024

����������� Based on the table above, the regression equation formed in this regression test is:

Y = a+b1X1+b2X2

Y = -2.435+0.021X1+0.653X2

����������� So that the results of the equation model can be interpreted as follows:

  1. This constant value of -2.435 can be interpreted if the brand image and service quality are assumed to be zero (0) then customer satisfaction is -2.435.
  2. The value of the regression coefficient� of the positive brand image �variable, which is 0.021, can be interpreted that every increase in brand image by 1 unit, it will increase customer satisfaction by 0.021.
  3. The value of the regression coefficient of the positive service quality variable, which is 0.653, can be interpreted that every increase in service quality by 1 unit, it will increase customer satisfaction by 0.653.


Simultaneous Test (f test)

This test is used to find out whether the independent variables together have a significant influence on the dependent variable (Y) or to find out whether a regression model can be used to predict the dependent variable or not.

Table 8 Brand Image and Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction




Sum of Squares


Square means






















a.       Dependent Variable: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION

b.       Predictor: (Constant), Service Quality and Brand Image

Source : SPSS Processed Data 22,2024

To calculate the Ftable� in this study, you can use the following formula:



dfl� =k

df2 = n-k-1

dfl� = 2

df2 = 96-2-1

df2 = 93




Based on the results of the F test above, it was found that Fcalculate amounted to 157.254 >Ftable 3.09 and sig 0.000 < 0.050. So it can be stated that H0 is rejected and Haa is accepted, meaning that Brand Image (X1) and Service Quality (X2) simultaneously have a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction (Y).


Test Coefficient of Determination (R2)

This test is used to find out whether the independent variable (X) has a significant effect on the dependent variable (Y) or to find out whether a regression model can be used to predict the dependent variable or not.


Table 9 Coefficient of Determination Test Results Brand Image and Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction

Model Overview




R square

Customized R Square

Std. Estimation Error






a. Predictor: (Constant), SERVICE QUALITY, BRAND IMAGE


Source : SPSS Processed Data 22,2024

In table 5.24 this shows the value of R Square (R2) showing a number of 0.772 thus it can be concluded that customer satisfaction can be explained by Brand image and service quality of 77.2% while the rest was explained by other variables not assumed in this study.



Based on the results of research on guests from Hotel Winaria 1 Kota Siak Sri Indrapura regarding the influence of brand image and service quality on customer satisfaction at Hotel Winaria 1 Kota Siak Sri Indrapura, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1.       In the brand image� variable, results were obtained that showed that �the brand image of� winaria 1 hotel as a whole was in the agreed category. This means that� the brand image carried out by the winaria 1 hotel has been able to attract the attention of guests.

2.       On the variable service quality, the results show that the quality of service of winaria 1 hotel is in the category of agree. This means that the quality of service provided by winaria 1 hotel looks good and gives the impression of comfort to guests

3.       In the customer satisfaction variable, a test result was obtained which showed that customer satisfaction was in the category of quite agreeable, meaning that the responses given by several respondents were tied.

4.       It can be partially seen that the brand image variable has a significant influence on customer satisfaction

5.       It can be partially seen that the variable of service quality has a significant influence on customer satisfaction

6.       It can be partially seen that the variables of brand image and service quality have a significant influence on customer satisfaction.






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� 2024 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license (