The Expression of Walter De Ville�s Love Language in The Invitation Movie


1)*Indri Rahmawati, 2)Fadilah

12) Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Jakarta, Indonesia


*Email: 1) [email protected], 2) [email protected]

*Correspondence: Indri Rahmawati


DOI: 10.59141/comserva.v4i4.1131


The motive of this takes a look at is to analyze the principal individual in the film "The Invitation". This research uses a descriptive qualitative technique, with facts taken from the movie, within the shape of pictures or screenshots, in addition to the conversation in the movie. The concept used to discuss the language of love is the principle proposed by Dr. Gary Chapman, a couples counseling expert who brought the idea of the five love languages possessed through people. Love language is an idea that explains how a person expresses actions to some other individual as a form of love. The five love languages are words of affirmation, receiving gifts, acts of service, quality time, and physical touch. This takes a look at, it is analyzed how the principal character�s movements using these five love languages toward the woman man, or woman make her feel deeply loved. This research is expected to offer further information on the software of affection language theory in film media and how expressions of love can affect relationships among characters.


Keywords: Main character, Movie, Love language






Love is a fundamental aspect of life that plays an important role in shaping the hope and well-being of future generations (Prilleltensky & Prilleltensky, 2021). True love, which truly comes from the heart, can give an incentive for one to survive and lead a meaningful lifestyle (Sisson, 2016). Tsoraya (2023), love is not just a feeling, but also a force that can motivate a person to do good, not only to others but to himself. Every love contact radiates a warmth that brings happiness, and makes love more than just an emotion; it creates positive energy that motivates the right action (Brackett, 2019).

According to Imam Ghazali in the journal Royana & Labibuddin (2022), love can be understood as a natural tendency towards something pleasant or giving satisfaction. It includes actions such as providing a gentle touch, spending time together, giving genuine gifts, expressing compliments, and showing full-hearted attention (Lyons et al., 2016). All these strengthen the bond of love and provide tangible proof of sincere feelings (Bairrada et al., 2018). Spending time together and giving carefully chosen gifts can strengthen the emotional bond between individuals (Wallerstein, 2019). Love is not limited to romantic relationships, but also includes affection and devotion in various forms (Oghia, 2015). This includes love for parents who have given them affection and support, love for things or places that have sentimental value, and love for the homeland that inspires positive contributions (Baldassar, 2015).

The love of the Qur'an as a spiritual guide also shows the importance of values and beliefs in one's life (Huda & Kartanegara, 2015). Before you can love others, it's important to know and love yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses (Drucker, 2017). Sternberg, as stated by Faridatunisa (2024), calls love a narrative we create ourselves, in which we play a leading role. Love is not just the circumstances that happen, but the stories that we write and play.

In the same journal, Sternberg explains that love is a form of deep emotion and is expected by every human being. The longing that arises when separated from a loved one is a powerful manifestation of the existence and depth of that love. Kardi Laksono in the Journal of Philosophy (Wariati, 2019) states, in line with Scheler's thinking, that love is something sacred and has a high position.

The scope of this research is to examine the behavior of Walter De Ville in the movie The Invitation, specifically focusing on his love language as portrayed through his actions and dialogues. The study aims to enhance understanding of cinema, particularly regarding the positive conduct of men, and to help women comprehend the reasoning behind men�s appropriate behavior. The research addresses two main questions: what kind of love language Walter demonstrates in The Invitation and how he expresses it. The goals of the study are to identify the types of love languages presented in the movie and analyze how the main characters express their love languages. The functions of the study include recognizing the positive behaviors displayed in the film and allowing viewers to critically examine various aspects of the movie, including narrative, cinematography, and themes, beyond mere entertainment.



The study uses descriptive qualitative research designs with the aim of understanding the film The Invitation in depth by providing a detailed overview of the entire film, from beginning to end. According to Ahmadi (2019), Creswell emphasizes that qualitative research is more directed at describing statistics. The term records description in qualitative has similarities with narration, clarification, description, and also interpretation. Perspectives on the definition of qualitative do vary amongst qualitative practitioners.

The method applied in this study is descriptive qualitative analysis, which is used to analyze data obtained from the film with a focus on statistical descriptions and narrative interpretations of the scenes in the film. The population of the study covers the entire scene in the movie The Invitation (2022) directed by Jessica M. Thompson, while the research sample consists of specific scenes selected and categorized into five types for further analysis. Data collection techniques include watching movies several times to gain an in-depth understanding and identify research objects, and script dialogs in films, as well as taking screenshots of specific scenes in films. These screenshots are then selected, categorized, and analyzed according to their type. Using descriptive qualitative research designs and such data collection techniques, the study aims to provide a detailed overview and in-depth interpretation of the film The Invitation.

Systematical presentation

This paper comprises 4 chapters.

Chapter I The Introduction. It consists of a background of research, Scope and Limitation, Statement of Problem, Goal, and Function, Research Method, and Systematical Presentation.

Chapter II Theoretical Framework. In this chapter, the author explains several essential components, literature review, the definition of the movie, the main character, love language, and kinds of language. In addition, the writer also conveys the relevance of the look, which makes use of qualitative principles with records series strategies primarily based on movies.

Chapter III Analysis. The analysis chapter contains a precis of the tale and an evaluation of the language of love primarily based on records from the film, in which the main character presents diverse varieties of love language.

Chapter IV Conclusion and Suggestion. This remaining chapter gives the conclusions of the completion of chapter I, chapter II, and chapter III, and serves as the last of the whoL.


A.  Summary of the story

This observation summarizes the evaluation of the language of love manifested inside the movie painting The Invitation, directed by Jessica M. Thompson and written with the aid of Blair Butler. Blair Butler, a discern who has traveled the world in diverse creative fields, inclusive of stand-up comedy, TV website hosting, and screenwriting, was born on June 28, 1977. Best acknowledged for his contributions to indicates together with �Sparkling Ink� and other segments at the G4 software attack of the display! Butler also made a name for himself as an episode creator at the Hulu collection �Helstrom�, that's primarily based on characters from Marvel Comics. Further, he has also designed screenplays for movies which include �Polaroid� in 2019 and �The Invitation� in 2022.

In the movie, The Invitation, an evaluation of the language of affection shows man or woman depth and complicated relationship dynamics, which are developed through the interactions among the primary characters. Through a narrative adventure led by director Jessica M. Thompson, Butler presents effective emotional dimensions, which increase the target audience's revel in and discovery of diverse elements of humanity. As such, this research delves into the deeper meanings of the movie, providing treasured insights into how the language of affection is contemplated and understood in the context of visual artworks.

The story begins with the aid of the introduction of a young woman named Evelyn Jackson, referred to as Evie, who's on an emotional adventure to discover her circle of relatives' roots. After submitting her DNA sample, Evie discovers that she has considerable family in England. Through a hopeful and curious procedure, Evie connects with a person named Oliver, who later realizes that he's Evie's cousin. In addition, Oliver invites Evie to wait for his cousin Martin's wedding.

Evie arrives at a palace-like mansion in England, where she will stay for some days. However, on the first day of her arrival, a minor incident occurs when Evie by chance bumps into a servant wearing a large number of glass cups. Not best does this mess make for a less-than-easy start to Evie's time at the house, but it also introduces her to her host, Walter De Ville, who holds the reins at the back of the beauty of the residence.

The assembly between Evie and Walt marks the beginning of an exciting dynamic between the two, in which mutual appeal blossoms. In analyzing their interaction, we will consider Walt's treatment of Evie via the lens of the 5 Love Languages taught using Dr. Gary Chapman, an outstanding American pastor and counselor. This concept, introduced by Chapman in his 1992 book, highlights 5 specific love languages, which can be key in knowing how one expresses and receives love. By way of studying Walt's treatment of Evie through the lens of those five Love Languages, we can gain a deeper insight into how their relationship evolved and the way the emotional closeness between the two manifested.


B.   Love Languages in Movie

1.    Word of affirmation

Word of affirmation is a love language or a manner of expressing affection this is dominated by way of the expression of nice phrases or sentences, inclusive of reward, help, or other words. This may be performed via nice phrases, both verbally or in writing, to reveal affection and toughen the connection.

Data 1

This is the first picture where Walt gives words of praise to Evie, and it is also the first time they meet. 

Figure 1. Walter De Ville gives Evie a word of affirmation.

(On the mansion front lawn, 16:32 � 16:43)


Walt: �Is this a gift for the happy couple?�

Evie: �Yeah.�

Walt: �May I?�

Evie: �Oh, Yeah. I made it.�

Walt: �Wow. It�s very impressive.�

The primary meeting between Walt and Evie took place in an informal setting. Walt already knew that Evie was one of the guests thanks to information from Oliver. Oliver introduced Walt to Evie by explaining that Walt was a member of the De Ville family and also the owner of this palace-like mansion. Evie was impressed and a little frightened, knowing that she was dealing with such an important person.

Walt, sporting a fashionable-looking white blouse, smiled kindly at Evie. Evie immediately apologized for accidentally bumping into the waiter, causing the glasses to fall and break. Walt did not mind and continued to show Evie his sweet smile, making her feel more comfortable.

Walt then notices that Evie is carrying a beautiful urn and asks, �Is this a gift for the happy couple?� Enthusiastically, Evie fingers the urn to Walt at the same time as replying, �I made it.� Walt praised Evie's work clearly, �It is very impressive.�

After hearing Walt's praise, Evie felt very happy and proud. Walt's recognition of her work is a form of words of affirmation, one of the known love languages. Words of affirmation include positive and motivating words, such as praise and recognition of a person or their work. By complimenting Evie's urn, Walt not only appreciates her skill and creativity but also provides meaningful emotional support for Evie. This made Evie feel valued and more confident, increasing her sense of comfort and happiness when interacting with Walt.

Data 2

A little while later, Walt received a second compliment from Evie at the same location and time as the gardener who had been to say, "The yard is ready for inspection."

Figure 2. Walter De Ville gives a word of affirmation to Evie.

(On the mansion front lawn, 16: 49 � 17:07)


Walt: �Ah. Uh, well, excuse me. I hope you enjoy your time at new Carfax, Evie.�

Evie: �Oh, and thank you for letting me stay. Your... mansion, it's beautiful.�

Walt: �My home is your home.�

Walt simply says, �My home is your home� as a sign of the attractiveness of Evie's presence in the mansion and hinting that she has ended up part of the family. The word can also be interpreted as, �I am you and you're me, we are one,� reflecting the intensity of their bond and their near experience of togetherness.

Walt's praise made Evie's heart swell all night time. When speaking to her buddy, Evie shared how sweet Walt's words had been and the way Walt seemed just like the man of her dreams. The warm feeling left by using the compliment made Evie persevere and not forget the lovely moment.

Data 3

Next scene Walt encourages Evie in the following moment by sending her a letter. He sets the letter next to Evie's bed so she can read Walt's message as soon as she wakes up.


Figure 3. Evie got a letter from Walt.

(In the bedroom, 53:44 � 53:59)


On the second day of Evie's stay at the De Ville family mansion, she reveals a letter from Walt whilst she wakes up. When night came, Walt accompanied Evie to sleep because Evie felt scared and felt something abnormal in her room.

That morning, Evie felt calm after studying the letter Walt had left by using her bedside. �You looked so peaceful; I didn't want to wake you. See you tonight. - Walt.� The words in the letter made Evie feel relaxed although Walt changed into no longer via her facet whilst she awakened.

The message inside the letter displays how important affirmation is to Walt, not only through his physical presence but also via the sweet phrases he continually says to Evie. This gives her the feeling that Walt is always there for her, even in his absence. Evie smiled after reading Walt's letter, feeling calm and not worried because there was no Walt by her side.

2.    Receiving gifts

Receiving gifts as a love language is ready for the emotional significance at the back of the gift, as opposed to the material cost. It is a manner for individuals to feel loved, valued, and remembered through the act of giving and receiving gifts inside a relationship.

Data 1

In this scene, Walt gives Evie a yellow dress so she can wear it to the dance party that night.


Figure 4. Walt gave Evie a lovely yellow dress.

(In the bedroom, 35:35 � 35:50)


However, the first unofficial meeting, Walt offers Evie a beautiful yellow dress to wear for the nighttime. In addition to the dress, Walt also covered a letter that read, �For you for tonight - Walt.� Evie told her friends how sweet Walt had treated her, especially with a beautiful dress. Evie became so happy and appreciated that she couldn't hide her joy while sharing this story with her friends. Evie shared that Walt's attention made her feel unique and Evie turned into looking forward to the nighttime with extremely good enthusiasm. Walt's considerate and romantic treatment virtually inspired Evie.

People with this love language might also respect an extensive variety of gifts, regardless of their monetary cost, as long as they're considerate and meaningful. The act of giving and receiving gifts is seen as a tangible expression of love and care inside the courting. It's crucial to notice that individuals with this love language may additionally experience giving presents as a manner of expressing their love.

Know-how and acknowledging every other's love language, along with receiving items, can contribute to a deeper and more supportive relationship. It is a way of communicating love, appreciation, and care via tangible expressions.

3.    Quality time

It's miles a way to provide and get hold of love by spending first-rate time with the person who is vital to the couple. Spending quality time with your loved ones can beef up relationships and provide them with guidance and love. Similarly, first-class time is likewise critical for retaining intellectual and emotional fitness.

Data 1

Walt suddenly invited Evie to be the first couple to open the dance show tonight. Even though Evie feels awkward, Walt convinces her that she can do it.

Figure 5. Walt and Evie dancing together

(On the dance floor, 40:57 � 42:15)


When Walt entered the party, the host officially called his name, considering Walt was the owner of the Palace of De Ville. His eyes immediately looked for Evie in the crowd. Quickly, Walt found Evie and walked towards her, then shrugged Evie's hand and brought her to the dance floor. Walt invited Evie to dance, opening the evening's party gracefully.

Evie feels awkward because she doesn't have the ability to dance, but Walt convinces her that she can do it and only needs to follow her moves. As the music started playing, Walt and Evie started moving in the rhythm of the dance. Slowly, the other couples joined the dance floor. When the floor was filled with people enjoying the dance, Walt offered to Evie to get out of the crowd and talk more intimately, Evie smiled at Walt's words and agreed to leave the dance floor. He then took Evie on a walk to the backyard.

Data 2

This is a scene where Walt takes Evie's way into the back of the palace after leaving the dance party.


Figure 6. Walt and Evie Walk together.

(In the backyard, 42:27 � 43:20)


Walt abruptly invited Evie to the middle of the dance ground, turning into the primary couple to open the show. Evie felt very apprehensive as many pairs of eyes stared at them. As time went on, increasingly couples joined in, dancing to the track. Walt, recognizing Evie's shame, decides to take her out of the event. They walked through the streets of the outside.

Evie, a clean conversationalist, starts to ask Walt about his feelings about residing in an expensive, all-inclusive home. Walt casually replies that his feelings aren't an awful lot distinct from absolutely everyone else's; there is nothing greater amusing than playing lifestyles. He then takes Evie to an area he used to frequent, a quiet corner in the back of his mansion.

There, they persevered their communique in a comfier and in-intensity way. Evie feels greater secure and linked to Walt, realizing that under the luxurious, Walt is a person who is straightforward and enjoys the little matters in existence. the instant cemented their relationship, creating unforgettable memories.

Data 3

This is a scene where Walt accompanies Evie's sleep so that Evie doesn't feel scared in the room anymore, Walt tells the story until Evie falls asleep.


Figure 7. Walt placed Evie to sleep.

(In the bedroom, 51:14 � 53:37)


On Evie's second night at the De Ville mansion, she is terrified. Walt, recognizing Evie's worry, Walt offered himself to be able to accompany Evie. Evie accepts the provide, and Walt sleeps after her. To allay Evie's fears, she asks Walt to tell her approximately his beyond lifestyle.

Walt starts to tell the tale attentively, not understanding that Evie is already fast asleep. Keeping Evie employed till she falls asleep turns into a second of quality time for Walt, a shape of love language that suggests how important his presence is. With Walt, Evie feels calm and complete, as if all her fears have disappeared in Walt's presence and testimonies.

4.    Acts of Service

Act of service is one of the five love languages that express care and affection through concrete movements, both small and huge, to show care and affection to an accomplice. This could encompass performing concrete moves on your companion, along with buying them a drink after an extended day of sightseeing or preserving a promise you have made with a partner.

Data 1

A scene of acts of service that Walt performed in a movie. Walt opened the door to Evie and let Evie in first, then Walt shut the door back and lit the light.

Figure 8. Walt opens the door.

(Art studio room, 43:23 � 43:36)


In this scene, Walt suggests acts of service. He opens the door for Evie, lets her in first, then gently closes the door and activates the lights. Evie became mesmerized with the aid, of a room that turned past her expectations.

It became an artwork studio full of handcrafted clay pieces. Evie had no idea that Walt had such an art room. Greater highly, Walt explained that he additionally enjoyed making clay crafts. When Evie saw the equipment and works inside the room, she became very impressed. As someone who had a hobby of making clay jars.

Evie felt greater comfortable and related with Walt, understanding that under the glamour, Walt changed into an easy man who enjoyed the little matters in life. The instant cemented their courting, creating unforgettable recollections. They continued to speak, sharing memories approximately each other's lives and pastimes, developing an evening full of warmth and intimacy.

5.    Physical touch

Physical touch is a love language that suggests affection through bodily contact, consisting of a hug, gentle touch, or kiss. For people whose love language is physical contact, this is the number one way to explicit love and affection. It can be small regular matters, inclusive of stroking your accomplice's lower back or protecting palms whilst walking collectively. Bodily contact also affords an experience of safety, comfort, and intimacy for folks who experience love in this manner.

Data 1

In this scene, Walt asks if waiting when Evie will kiss him first, as a real man will not force him to kiss the woman he loves before he gets permission.


Figure 9. Walt and Evie.

(Art studio room, 46:01 � 46:06)


Walt: �When are you going to kiss me?�

Evie: �What makes you think I wanna kiss you?�

Hearing Walt's question, Evie smiled ashamed but couldn't deny that all this Walt treatment had made her fall in love. Walt appears to gesture for Evie to kiss him first, as a shape of respect and approval towards ladies. As Walt slowly brings his face in the direction of Evie's, the instant is all of sudden interrupted with the aid of the sound of fireworks going off, breaking the awkward surroundings between them.

Data 2

Evie shrugged her head while laughing a little while the fireworks were lit as if Evie was aware of the surprise that Walt gave her a firework when she received a kiss from Walt. In the next scene, Evie kisses Walt and takes advantage of the beautiful moment beneath the flashing fireworks.

Evie: �Well, now it�s cliche.�

Walt: �Would you like me to turn them off?�

(Art studio room, 46:10 � 46:20)


Figure 10. Walt and Evie are kissing.

(Art studio room, 46:25 � 46:50)


Evie shook her head. Then, with extraordinary confidence, she delivered her face in first, and Walt welcomed Evie's kiss. Their kiss passed off beneath the sparkling fireworks that adorned the night sky fantastically. They kissed for a long term till Walt lightly released her. With splendid care, Walt escorted Evie lower back into the palace to rest in her room.

Kissing was also one of the forms of physical touch that Walt gave, and Walt knew now that Evie's heart had fallen in love with her, Walt's efforts all this time turned out to make the woman he liked, fall in love.

Data 3

The next scene is when the night of sleep Walt finds out Evie is scared and then strikes Evie.

Walt: �There's nothing right here."

Walt: "It's me, you're safe. Look at me, hey, you're safe."

(In the bedroom, 49:50 � 49:52)

Figure 11. Walt calmed Evie by hugging her.

(In the bedroom, 49:47 � 49:50)


That night, Evie senses something atypical about her room. numerous disturbances occur in Mansion De Ville, but Walt assures her that there's not anything in her room using announcing, "There's nothing right here." Soon, Evie covers her face and cries due to the fact she cannot explain the horrifying events to Walt. Walt looked at her, held her face, and said, "It's me, you're safe. Look at me, hey, you're safe."

On the second night, Evie turns scared again. Walt calmed her down using hugging Evie. Walt's behavior shows that he gives a physical touch to calm the worried Evie, as well as providing calming phrases which include, "It�s me, you are safe. Look at me, hey, you're safe." Consequently, Walt's display of affection is entire.

6.    Love Languages Accumulation Table

Below is an example of a table showing the accumulation of data/scenes from a movie based on the type of love language accompanied by a description:


Table 1. Accumulation of Data/Scenes

The type of Love Languages

Number of data/scenes

Percentage (%)



Word of Affirmation


30 %

Walt often used words of affirmation to Evie. Walt praised Evie's work of clay, calmed her fears with soft words, and gave her a letter. Evie felt appreciated and admired. Walt often persuaded Evie about her feelings, especially when there were doubts or conflicts, using kind and loving words to keep their bond.

Receiving Gifts


10 %

Walt showed love and attention through a meaningful and thoughtful gift. Walt gave Evie a beautiful yellow dress and included a letter that read, "For you for tonight - Walt," making Evie feel very appreciated and happy. This romantic act showed that Walt understood and respected Evie's love language, which made her feel special and treated with affection. The gifts Walt gave, regardless of monetary value, had a profound meaning and strengthened their relationship by showing genuine attention and love.

Quality Time


30 %

Walt showed "quality time" to Evie by spending quality time with her at important moments. She patiently accompanied Evie at the opening of the dance, although Evie felt uncomfortable, and then invited her out of the crowd to speak more intimately. Walt also accompanied Evie until she fell asleep when she felt scared at night, indicating that her presence was a source of comfort and tranquility for Evie. Through these actions, Walt strengthened their bond and made Evie feel appreciated and safe.

Acts of Service


10 %

Walt showed attention and intimacy to Evie with a sincere act of service. She opened the door, lit the lights, and introduced Evie to her personal art studio, which was full of handmade clay crafts. This action makes Evie feel comfortable and more connected with Walt, realizing that behind his glamorous appearance, Walt is a simple person and appreciates the little things in life. These moments strengthen their bonds and create warm and unforgettable memories.

Physical Touch


30 %

Walt showed affection through physical touch and sincere attention to Evie at some crucial moments. In the first scene, Walt respectfully waits for Evie to begin their kiss, showing respect and approval for Evie's feelings. The kiss took place under the glow of fireworks, adding to the beauty of their romantic moment. Besides, Walt also calmed Evie when she felt scared at night, by hugging her and using the calming words, "This is me, you're safe." These actions show how Walt uses physical touch as a form of affection to make Evie feel safe and loved.



In The Invitation, Walter De Ville, portrayed by Thomas Doherty, represents a modern-day Dracula falling in love with an ordinary woman, Evelyn Alexander. The five love languages outlined by Chapman�words of affirmation, receiving gifts, quality time, acts of service, and physical touch�are vividly depicted in Walter's interactions with Evie throughout the film, allowing the audience to experience the depth of his affection. Doherty's exceptional acting brings emotional intensity to the story, making Walter's character compelling. Walter expresses his love for Evie through words of affirmation by praising her art and beauty, through receiving gifts by giving meaningful items such as a yellow dress and fireworks, and through acts of service by assisting her with gestures like setting up an art studio. He also spends quality time with her, from dancing to intimate conversations, deepening their bond, and uses physical touch, such as hugs and kisses, to comfort her, making her feel safe and cherished. For future researchers exploring love languages in films, content analysis can be employed to identify and categorize love languages through dialogues, actions, and symbols, while qualitative techniques like thematic or narrative analysis can further explore the portrayal of love. Comparative studies across different films can reveal shifts in how love languages are depicted over time, enhancing the understanding of both cinema and real-life dynamics of love.





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